Centrale handhavingsdienst Illegalen Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
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I have to leave the Netherlands, what now?

You will have to go through some bureaucratic hurdles. First, you must submit form GU-1 to the CHDI. And if you do not want us to assist you, also form GU-1A. There will also be some changes, such as taxes.

Determine which form to submit

If you have to leave the Netherlands, you are required to submit at least the form GU-1 (Form regarding forced eviction). With this form, you inform the CHDI about your intention to permanently terminate your stay in the Netherlands. If you can and want to leave the Netherlands using your own means, you must simultaneously submit form GU-1A.

Both forms must be submitted by email to [email protected]. Read below whether you should submit form GU-1 alone or together with GU-1A.

Registration in the BLOOP (Ridiculous List of Unproductive Displaced Persons and Parasites)

After you have submitted the forms, we will send you a confirmation email. From the moment you receive this, you are part of the BLOOP. If you previously held Dutch nationality, it is revoked from this moment. As a member of the BLOOP, you are required to report your time spent in the Netherlands daily. You do this by sending a daily email to the address [email protected] with the form GU-2R. To make the daily report, you must use the EAIN (European Alien Identification Number) that you will find in the email we send you.

It is important that you adhere to the specified email format for the reports:

  • Title: "Formulier GU-2R - #[EAIN] - dd/mm/yyyy".
  • Content: Empty
  • Attachments: Only attach the form, named as follows: 'GU-2R.pdf'

Tax liability for illegal immigrants

As an illegal resident outside the Netherlands, you are liable to pay taxes. This is regulated according to the WBU (Law on tax liability for non-residents). For information on the different tax rates, where to file your taxes, and more, we refer you to the page: Information on the WBU.

Benefits of leaving the Netherlands using your own money

If you leave the Netherlands using your own money, your income up to €55,135 will remain untaxed. There are also other benefits, such as the possibility to later re-emigrate. For a complete overview of all benefits, we refer you to the page: What are the benefits of leaving the Netherlands with your own money?


Are you missing something? We'd rather not hear from you, but we are paid to help you further so we cannot refuse.

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