Centrale handhavingsdienst Illegalen Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
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What are the responsiblities of the Central Illegals Enforcement Service?

The Central Illegals Enforcement Service's primary task is to detect illegal immigrants and deport them. The enforcement service is also responsible for handling reports submitted by citizens.

Detention of illegal aliens

The enforcement service will conduct random searches for illegal immigrants. Sometimes an officer will ask you to show proof of identity; you will be required to do so. If you refuse, you can be criminally prosecuted.

Handle reports

As a citizen, you can make a report about illegal aliens. When you do so, CHDI will decide within 30 days whether the reported should be deported. You are not required to file reports.

Deportation of illegal aliens

If it is proven that a person is staying in the Netherlands illegally, the person will be forwarded to the central cell for an indefinite period of time. After this, the CHDI will assist the illegal with leaving the Netherlands. The deportation of illegal immigrants will only be done by the CHDI. No criminal proceedings will take place for this purpose.

Enforcement of Singing Obligation

While an illegal leaves the country, they are obliged to sing 'Ik hou van Holland' (Deurzakkers). The service has a monitoring role. They will enforce the singing.


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