Centrale handhavingsdienst Illegalen Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid
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Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the frequently asked questions. If you need more information, please contact us.

What are the responsibilities of the Central Illegal Enforcement Service?

The service has various responsibilities, which are listed on the responsibilities page.

Am I obligated to report all illegal immigrants I encounter?

You are not legally obligated to report illegal individuals you encounter. However, we would appreciate if you do report suspicious cases.

It has been decided that I must leave the Netherlands, what should I do now?

The CHDI would like to assist you with your voluntary departure. You will need to navigate through some bureaucratic hurdles. We have outlined the initial steps that need to be taken. See 'I have to leave the Netherlands, what now?'.

Are there legal consequences for citizens who assist illegal immigrants?

Yes. Residents of the Netherlands are required to abide by all laws, including not aiding individuals who are illegally in the country. If you do assist an illegal, you may receive a fine of the 1st category per assisted illegal.


Are you missing something? We'd rather not hear from you, but we are paid to help you further so we cannot refuse.

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